To know and satisfy
our Vocation
The pleasure
of making our life
the best that we can live

For those who desire to achieve greater emotional and concrete well-being in their lives

Attraverso i nostri servizi ci proponiamo di diffondere la cultura del ben-essere umano.
Questo per noi significa vivere la vita all?insegna della consapevolezza di pensieri, emozioni e comportamenti, riconoscendo le scelte che possiamo compiere, cercando e trovando la pace interiore e la gioia nella relazione con noi stessi e con gli altri.

Specific interventions by Dr. Elisabetta Marsonet:

· Rehabilitation, functional re-education and social integration
· Support of the parent-child relationship
· Psycho-education
· Health promotion
· Modification of risky behaviors
· Analysis of behaviors, cognitive processes, opinions, attitudes, needs and motivations and social interactions.

The above activities are carried out under the supervision of a Psychologist enrolled in Section A of the Register of the Order of Psychologists of Friuli V.G. as per Law 170/2003.

Counseling and coaching activities for the following situations:

  • specific personal, professional or sport problems
  • difficulty making decisions
  • orientation in life choices
  • support in the difficult phases that follow each other during the life cycle of the individual and the family
  • management of interpersonal relationships
  • management of the relationship with oneself
  • development of resources and potential
  • management of emotions, thoughts, behaviors
  • failure to achieve professional goals
  • low self-esteem
  • failure to achieve sport's goals
  • demotivation
  • stress management
  • promotion and development of personal awareness

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If you want to read our suggestions about human well-being, please go to Resources section.

We thank you for visiting our website and we trust that you will find what you are looking for.

If you wish, please contact us for further information and clarifications.

With Gratitude
Dr. Elisabetta Marsonet
Doctor of Clinical and Dynamic Psychology
Doctor in Psychological Sciences and Techniques for Personal and Community Services
Registered at n.15 Section B of the Order of Psychologists of Friuli V.G.
Master in Gestalt Counseling, Imaginal Psychologist, Flower Therapist, Trainer
Dr. Nicola di Montegnacco
Master in Gestalt Counselling
Sports Psychology Consultant
Consultant for HR

Professional counselor as by the Law of 14 January 2013, no. 4, published in Official Journal no. 22 of 01/26/2013
Registered at no. 30 from 08/02/2006 of the Regional Register of AICo (Italian Counseling Association) of Friuli Venezia Giulia, an association registered in the Regional Register of Non-Ordinary Professions with Regional Decree n. 315 dated 15.09.05.